When Defending Criminal Cases in Minnesota, What is the Defense’s Job? Jack Rice on Court Court TV

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While the job of the prosecution is to present a cohesive argument to a jury that hangs together, the purpose of a criminal defense attorney in Minnesota is to provide a better, more compelling and more cohesive story. While that is always the goal, if that isn't possible, sometimes, all a criminal defense attorney can do is stretch out the prosecutors's case like taffy and then ask questions about it to make the jury ask questions of their own.

Jack Rice appears with Michael Ayala on Court TV on 2/21/22 to discuss the role of a criminal defense attorney. Sometimes, the answer is obvious, Sometimes, not so much. If you are facing criminal charges in St. Paul, Minneapolis or anywhere else across the State of Minnesota, contact a criminal defense attorney with experience.

Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist with 25 years experience. He is also the founder of Jack Rice Defense. Contact us for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV


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