Who Benefits More in Minnesota Criminal Trials Delays, the Prosecution or Defense-Court TV Video

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The Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Trial has been going on for weeks. This week, they took a break because the judge apparently has other obligations. The question is: Who benefits most. Sadly, the simply answer is it it depends. Generally, Amber's words will ring through the ears of the jury for the week. From the Defense perspective, that is never good. On the other hand, if Depp's team can come back with a strong cross examination after the break, does it really matter what the jury is thinking now? Likely, her words may be all but forgotten. If you are facing criminal charges in Minnesota, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney.

“While delays matter, it still comes down to content. Also, primacy and recency always matter. Its the first thing and the last thing that people remember.”

Jack Rice appears on Court TV on 5/9/22 to discuss jury trials, delays and the benefits one way or the other. At the same time, it still frequently comes down to content. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, make sure you sit down with an experienced criminal defense attorney. If you can, sit down with a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist to talk about timing, what is coming, and most importantly, the content of your trial..

Jack Rice is a former prosecutor, former U.S. Federal Officer, and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV


Delays Can Happen in the Middle of Criminal Cases in Minnesota. Be Prepared for It. - Court TV


Jack Rice Appointed to Serve on the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers