Why Hiring a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist is Crucial for Your Defense in Minnesota

A Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist commands respect in a Minnesota courtroom. This certification is recognized by judges and prosecutors as a sign of high competence and dedication in the field of criminal defense. It can enhance the credibility of the defendant's case, potentially leading to more favorable outcomes, such as reduced sentences, plea bargains, or even case dismissals. Jack Rice is one of those few criminal defense attorneys in Minnesota who has this designation. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, make sure your defense attorney is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.

“Less than 3% of all defense attorneys in Minnesota have this designation. Jack is one of them.”

Personalized and Focused Defense Strategy

Specialists are likely to have seen a variety of cases, giving them a broad perspective combined with deep insight into creating effective defense strategies tailored to the specifics of your case. Their focused practice in criminal law means they can anticipate prosecution tactics and prepare counterarguments more effectively, compared to attorneys with a general or less concentrated practice.

Client Trust and Peace of Mind

Facing criminal charges can be overwhelmingly stressful. Hiring a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist can offer a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that you are being represented by someone recognized for their excellence in criminal defense. This trust is crucial not only for the client's comfort but also for the openness and honesty required for building a strong attorney-client relationship.

“Being convicted of a crime can change your entire life. This is no time to gamble on the unknown. Make sure your attorney is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.”


In volatile and life-changing situations like criminal charges, every decision matters—none more so than your choice of defense attorney. Opting for a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist ensures that you are getting an elite level of legal representation. This level of professionalism and expertise can make a significant difference in the resolution of your case. Jack Rice Defense, backed by Board Certification in Criminal Law, epitomizes the pinnacle of dedication and capability expected in these challenging legal battles, offering the robust defense that every accused individual deserves. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. When your life is on the line, make sure Jack Rice Defense is by your side.


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