Why Talking to the Police Can be a Bad Idea - Court TV Video

Watch Jack’s Appearance on Court TV

Jack Rice, Founder of Jack Rice Defense is a frequent guest on Court TV talking about murder cases, rape cases, serious assault and how to defend against them. On this day, he was working through an interrogation of a suspect and how the police use those statements against them when the case goes to trial.

If you haven’t been charged or the police just contacted you, contact Jack Rice Defense now before talking with the police. The police are not here to help.

Some people think they can talk their way out of any problem. While that may be true in some cases, police officers are professional interrogators who are doing multiple things at the same time. One of the things that they are doing is locking in your story even before they themselves may have all of the evidence in a case. They may or may not have any idea whether the story makes any sense. So while you think you are doing this great job, you may very well be the person who is walking yourself into a cell. The police then collect evidence. Finally, they then go back and compare if against what is known. St. Paul based criminal defense attorney a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist Jack Rice appears on Court TV on 10/25/21 to discuss why talking to the police in not a good idea.

If you are facing serious criminal charges in St. Paul, Minnesota or other parts of the State, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation. Jack is a former prosecutor, a former U.S. Federal Agent, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and an experienced and internationally renowned criminal defense attorney.

Watch Jack’s Court Appearance on Court TV


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