After a Ramsey County DWI Charge, How Do I get Interlock?

If you get charged with a DWI in St. Paul, Maplewood, White Bear Lake or anywhere in Ramsey County, the State is going to take your license away from you. Typically, you will receive a 7 day limited license and then it is gone. There are a huge number of factors that impact this. If you are facing Ramsey County DWI charges, you should have an experienced Ramsey County criminal Defense lawyer by your side. Contact St. Paul Criminal Defense Attorney Jack Rice for a free confidential consultation.

If you live in Ramsey County, Click here for Driver and Vehicle Services and Minnesota Department of Public Safety addresses and phone numbers.

Click here for more on How to Obtain a Minnesota Limited License, A Step by Step Guide.

Click here for more on the Penalties for a DWI Charge in Ramsey County.

While every case is different and you should talk to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety about your particular situation, there are some steps you can generally follow to get that coveted license back. Under some circumstances, you may get a limited license. Sometimes, the only way short of using the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office is to get interlock in your vehicle. If this is the case, here are some basic steps:

Step 1: If you already have a Minnesota driver’s license and are a Minnesota resident, you must pass the Minnesota DWI knowledge test.

Step 2: Get in touch with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety to pay the reinstatement fee.

Step 3: You must fill out a new application for a Class D license. Of course, there is another application fee.

Step 4: You must complete the Ignition Interlock Participation Agreement.

Step 5: You must complete and submit a Certificate of Insurance for your vehicle. Department of Vehicle Services can help with this.

Step 6: Make sure you sign and Notarize the Special Review Awareness.

Step 7: You must submit your application to the Department of Vehicle Services. Make sure you get the authorization letter for interlock installation.

Step 8: Contact a Minnesota Interlock Company for installation.

Step 9: Fulfill any additional Court obligations.

Contact St. Paul based Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation. Jack has decades of experience, is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, a former prosecutor and will create a comprehensive custom criminal defense strategy to defend you. Contact Jack Rice Defense or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


If You Lost Your License Because of Criminal Charges in Ramsey County, Where do you go to get it Back?


What are the Penalties for a DWI in St. Paul and Other Parts of Ramsey County