Is a Hung Jury the Next Best Thing to a Win for Kim Potter? Video

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The jury has been out for three days in the Kim Potter Manslaughter trial. Remember, it is not just three days but also jury selection, the entire trial and we haven’t even mentioned Christmas or COVID. After the second day, the jury sent a question to the court,”What happens if we can’t agree?” The Judge told them to keep working.

Sometimes, a hung jury is the next best thing to a win.

So, what happens if the Jury can’t agree. First of all, you get a hung jury which means they couldn’t decide. Well, there are a few options that can roll out of this. First, the Government can try their charges again. Second, the the Government can decide to drop charges and move forward. Or third, the Government can negotiate a plea deal with Kim Potter.

What makes this case challenging for the jury is that at least some of these people appear to empathize with Potter. They may even like her. When that happens, they can dig in and say “nothing but Not Guilty” is acceptable. If they don’t all agree . . . hung jury. However, sometimes, a hung jury is the next best thing to a win.

Jack appears on KSTP TV to discuss the ins and outs of criminal jury trials.

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, you need a good lawyer. No, you need a great lawyer. Jack Rice has been awarded the Minnesota Attorney of the Year for 2021, received for 2020 Award for Professional Excellence and is Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. Less than 3% of all lawyers have this designation.

Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on KSTP


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As the Jurors Struggle in the Kim Potter Case, St. Paul Criminal Defense Attorney Explains a Hung Jury - KSTP Video