Client faces 25 years and half a million in fines gets a Stay of Adjudication and No conviction.

Here in South Minnesota and dealing with a drug case. Drug charges continue to carry the potential for absolutely brutal sentencing ramifications. These are the echos of 40 years of very bad social engineering policy that decided to treat addiction as a crime rather than as the health issue that it is. Slowly but surely, things have changed. Its odd in the people are also starting to recognize that being tough on crimes for its own sake frequently doesn’t work. For some, there is the additional realization that it is unbelievably expensive.

After an enormous amount of work, an incredible outcome. Not bad to get a Stay of Adjudication, no conviction, for a case that could have put my client in prison for 25 years and forced her to pay a $500,000 fine. Honestly, she is very young, Native, has a loving family, is very deserving and now she has a chance at a life. In addition, being a Native American young woman, she already faces a multitude of challenges many others may never see.

Drug charges continue to carry the potential for absolutely brutal sentencing ramifications. These are the echos of 40 years of very bad social engineering policy that decided to treat addiction as a crime rather than as the health issue that it is. Slowly but surely, things have changed. Its odd in the people are also starting to recognize that being tough on crimes for its own sake frequently doesn’t work. For some, there is the additional realization that it is unbelievably expensive.

These are some of the same challenges that many in my own Native American family have also had to endure. To call me lucky doesn’t even approach the truth. Sometimes, we slog in the trenches everyday and we wonder if it ever makes any difference at all. Occasionally, you know it does.

She said it best, “This gives me a chance to start over.” Very pleased.

Very pleased to be a Minnesota Drug Crimes Lawyer. It isn’t simple and clients can sometimes be complicated too but it is worth the effort.


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