Can I Challenge Forensic Evidence in Criminal Cases in Minnesota?

In the last few years, forensic evidence has started to be questioned.  Nevertheless, jurors frequently accept it as objective proof. As a result, challenging faulty forensic evidence can be extraordinarily important because faulty evidence, including forensic evidence, can lead to wrongful convictions in criminal cases.  If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota and forensic evidence may play a role in the charges, make sure that you sit down with an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney.  Even better, make sure that it is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.

“Juries frequently think forensic evidence is gospel and simply accept it hook, line and sinker. What happens if that evidence is wrong or at least is interpreted incorrectly?”

How Does the Government Get it Wrong?

Jurors usually look at the evidence collectively to make a determination of guilt or innocence. However, sometimes a singular piece of evidence can make all of the difference and push a jury one direction or another.  Forensic evidence is exactly the kind of evidence that can do that.  That being said, that Government sometimes misjudges the reliability of their forensic evidence.  Problems include:

  • The Government provided the wrong analysis;

  • The Government interpreted the forensic evidence incorrectly;

  • The Government failed to go far enough in their analysis and stopped once they found what agreed with their theory.

“Sometimes prosecutors will cut corners and not bother to test forensic evidence that would have provided the answers. Remember, they have the burden of proof.”

What Kinds of Cases Use Forensic Evidence?

Almost any case in the criminal justice system may use forensic evidence. That being said, there are some cases that rely more heavily on it’s use. These types of cases include:

“Excluding a piece of evidence from the trial may truly change everything.”

How Can an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Help?

The purpose of an experienced criminal defense attorney is sometimes to look at the evidence presented, including the forensic evidence to determine whether, frankly, it is any good or something the jury should dismiss out of hand. By questioning the accuracy and reliability of forensic evidence, defense attorneys may be able to highlight the inconsistencies and flaws in the Government’s case.  The result may be a dismissal of the care or possibility an exclusion of this “objective” evidence.  It may make all of the difference to the jury.

Jack Rice is a former prosecutor, a former CIA Officer, and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He is also a nationally known and experienced criminal defense attorney and the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, a boutique criminal defense firm based in St. Paul, Minnesota. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free and confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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