What Should I do if I’m Charged with Child Pornography Charges?

It may honestly feel like it is coming out of the blue. No one ever really expects police officers to come to the door, put you in cuffs and walk you out to the squad car. Unfortunately, it happens all of the time. People across Minnesota and around the country are arrested daily by the thousands. Unfortunately, because of the internet, the perception of anonymity and what is available, more and more people are being charged with possession of Child Pornography charges than ever before. If you are facing Child Pornography charges in Minnesota, there are a lot of things you must do. The first thing you should do it contact an experienced Minnesota Child Pornography Defense Attorney. Call Jack Rice Defense at 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

“Nobody expects the police to come pounding on the door with a warrant and handcuffs. You need to know what to do if it happens.”

So What am I Supposed to Do?

How am I supposed to behave? What do I say? What do I do? Who do I call? These are all great questions. More importantly, it may help if you are prepared even if you just have an inkling that something like this might actually happen. So, if you think you might facing Child Pornography charges in Minnesota and the police show up on your front steps, here are a few pointers:

  • Remain silent: We’ve all heard it on TV. “You have the right to remain silent and anything you say can be used against you . . .” This is the truth. Please, exercise this right.;

  • Call your lawyer: As soon as you are able, pick up the phone and call an experienced child pornography defense attorney. Tell them what is happening, what you are charged with and by whom. Then listen to them.;

  • Be polite to the police: There is no reason to fight them. If they tell you to sit down, sit down. If they ask you to move, you move. Do not resist arrest and don’t try to explain yourself or think you are going to convince them that this is a big mistake. If they show you a search warrant and they want all of your electronics, don’t try to stop them. Politely ask for a copy of the warrant, their business cards and then, see the first pointer above - remain silent.;

  • Ask whether you are under arrest: This is important because if you are not under arrest, you may be free to leave. It is important to understand your status.;

  • Take notes of what is happening: Write down what is happening, what the police tell you, what they are doing and what they are saying. Write down anything that you think might be helpful so you can discuss it later with your criminal defense attorney.;

  • Don’t talk about the case: Don’t talk openly with anybody about the case other than your experienced Child Pornography Defense Attorney. This is true when talking to the police, talking to other inmates if you are arrested, to your loved ones on jail phones or anybody else. These “statements against interest” could come back to haunt you. Simply, don’t discuss the case.

“How you behave and what you do at this crucial stage may impact not just the outcome of the case but also the rest of your life. Be prepared.”

If you are facing Child Pornography charges, you may find the police at your front door with a search warrant and maybe even a pair of handcuffs. If this happens, follow these suggestions and contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at your earliest convince. It may be the smartest investment you ever make.

Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, a former prosecutor and a former CIA Officer. He is a nationally known and award winning criminal defense attorney and the Founder of Jack Rice Defense. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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