Cause of Death will be Critical in the Chauvin Trial. Jack Appears on KGO San Francisco

If you watch the video tape of Derek Chauvin on the neck of George Floyd, you may not go any further in explaining Floyd’s of death. Nine minutes on top of somebody as they scream that they can’t breath may answer all of your questions. he Defense, on the other hand, is arguing that it is not that simple.

The Defense is arguing that George Floyd’s death is a result of his health condition along with the drugs he apparently consumed before his arrest along with his behavior fighting the cops in the street. While this is a tall order, there are experts who will certainly testify that the answer may not be as easy as the prosecution has tried to claim. Remember, the State has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin is guilty.

Jack appears on KGO San Francisco to discuss cause of death and why it matters so much in this case. Also, he will discuss what comes next.

Jack Rice is a criminal defense attorney in Minnesota. He is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, is a former prosecutor and a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. If you are facing serious charges, sit down with Jack Rice for a free consultation.


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