Was Arradondo’s Testimony in the Chauvin Murder Trial Just PR for the MPD. Jack Appears on WCCO Minneapolis

Minneapolis Police Leader Arradondo testified in the Derek Chauvin murder trial this week It was interesting in that if was designed to accomplish several different tasks. First and foremost, it was designed to support the prosecution of Derek Chauvin. In fact, from that perspective, I believe that the testimony was very effective and impacted the jury. Chauvin did take some body blows here.

Arradondo’s other goal had a much broader audience. Arradondo was trying to make the argument that the MPD is not Derek Chauvin and that if there is a thin blue line, Chauvin is on the other side of that line. In other words, this was a public relations effort. Of course, the problem is to argue, as Arradondo did, that the MPD is about de-escalation and dignity and not violent escalation ignores extraordinary numbers of complaints, pay-outs and other activity that flies in the face of this Kumbaya approach.

Jack Rice appears on WCCO to discuss the latest in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. The State and the police seem conscious of this two-fold approach of prosecution and burnishing the PR of the MPD.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense. He is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and a Criminal Defense attorney. If you are facing serious felony charges including rape or murder, sit down with Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.


Cause of Death will be Critical in the Chauvin Trial. Jack Appears on KGO San Francisco


Jack Rice Appears on Voice of America Intl. to Discuss Chauvin Murder Trial and Whether Reform is Possible