How to Defend in a Murder Case. Jack Talks to KGO San Francisco.

The prosecution has rested in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. Their prosecution was complete and combined both technical evidence alongside emotional testimony that provided a one-two punch. It was pretty devastating.

As the Defense prepares to respond, what is the approach that they need to take? This is the question Chip Franklin of KGO San Francisco put to Jack.

“Of course, the answer is different in every case. However, it is frequently more of a scalpel than a sledge hammer. You look at specific issues and elements of charges and go straight at those. It may seem counterintuitive but this is how you generally attack charges.”

Jack appears on KGO San Francisco to discuss criminal cases, the Derek Chauvin murder trial and the Daunte Wright case. He talks strategy and approach based upon decades of experience in criminal courtrooms.

Jack is the Founder of Jack Rice Defense, is a former prosecutor, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and Criminal Defense Attorney. If you are facing murder charges and need an experienced criminal Defense attorney, call Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.


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