How To Do a Closing Argument in a Criminal Case

Both sides have rested in the Derek Chauvin murder trial in Minneapolis. Both have done their best to either put Mr. Chauvin in a box for many years or to help him live out the remainder of his life in whatever form of peace he might find. However, the closings button up those efforts. What are they?

A closing argument is first and foremost, an argument. It provides both sides the opportunity to directly lay out their cases, big picture and small using specific evidence presented during the trial. Its also provides the opportunity to belittle the other side’s efforts, to poke holes and to open those holes up. It is about taking a string from a sweater and just start pulling on it, pulling and pulling until there is nothing left. It is about presenting the theory and theme of your your case that you hopefully have been able to run through your entire case from jury selection, openings, cross examination and direction examination too. This is a closing.

I appear on AM 950 Minneapolis with Matt McNeil to discuss what is coming during closings in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. Specifically, I will discuss how the Defense will try to defend this case with the onslaught that has come from the prosecutors.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense. He is a former prosecutor, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and Criminal Defense Attorney. If you are facing serious felony charges, contact Jack for a free consultation.


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