In Assault Cases in Minnesota Where Intent is Required, What Happens if the State Fails to Prove It? Video

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV

Criminal charges in Minnesota come with elements that the state must prove to get a conviction. While not always the case, intent is frequently one of those elements. Remember, just because something happened doesn't mean that the outcome was intended. An example would be an assault charge where somebody was hit by mistake or in self defense or defense of others.

Jack Rice appears on Court TV on 3/7/22 to discuss intent and why it matters so much. It is easy to forget and critical in prosecutions.

Jack Rice is a St. Paul based criminal defense attorney, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and former prosecutor. If you are facing serious assault or murder charges, intent may a critical area to consider. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Interview on Court TV


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