Jack Appears on KGO San Francisco to Discuss Chauvin Criminal Trial

As the Prosecution and Defense teams in the Derek Chauvin murder trial picked their 7th juror, the Minneapolis City Council made an extraordinary decision. The City Council settled the civil case with the family of George Floyd for $27 million. This is the highest payout in the history of the state off Minnesota. However, what I found particularly extraordinary was when the City Council chose to do this.

With 7 jurors chosen to date, none of them sequestered, the City Council made a decision that these potential jurors will almost certainly learn about the settlement. Further, learning about it, these jurors may be even more willing to convict.

As a criminal defense lawyer who is hoping for due process in this case, I’m shocked by the City Council’s decision. As I contemplate their thought processes, I can’t help but think that they either:

1) were oblivious that the trail was going on; or

2) they didn’t care what the potential impact would be.

Either way, anything that hinders a fair trial is a problem and this certainly falls in that category.

Jack Rice appears on KGO San Francisco to talk the criminal jury selection, the trial and how the civil settlement impacts the on going criminal case. Jack is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, a criminal defense firm based in the Twin Cities. He is a former prosecutor, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and Criminal Defense attorney. Reach out for a free consultation.


Jack Appears on WCCO Radio with Dave Lee to Discuss Latest on Chauvin Trial


Watch Jack’s Interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter about 3rd Degree Murder Charge