Watch Jack’s Interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter about 3rd Degree Murder Charge

Watch Jack’s interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter.

As of this writing, the parties in the Derek Chauvin murder case have chosen six jurors. They have six to go plus two alternates. They could finish sometime in the middle of next week if they stay on track. We will see how this impacts the case.

A much bigger issue that will absolutely impact this case is the reinstatement of the 3rd Degree Murder charge. According to the original complaint, the 3rd degree charge looked like this:

Charge: Third Degree Murder - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Depraved Mind
Minnesota Statute: 609.195(a)
Maximum Sentence: Imprisonment of not more than 25 years.

Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 05/25/2020 Control #(ICR#): 20200338

Charge Description: That on or about May 25, 2020, in Hennepin County, Derek Michael Chauvin caused the death of another, George Floyd, by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life.

It essentially splits the baby between the 2nd degree unintentional murder charge and the manslaughter charge. The also givers the State more to fight and more trees to hand their ornaments on. It also has a tendency of convincing the jury that with three charges, he must have done one of them. We will see.

Jack Rice and a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and Criminal Defense Attorney. I has extensive criminal jury trial experience and also teaches lawyers across America and around the world trial advocacy skills. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free conference.

Watch Jack’s interview with WCCO’s Adam Carter.


Jack Appears on KGO San Francisco to Discuss Chauvin Criminal Trial


The 3rd Degree Murder Charge Is Back in Play in the Chauvin Case