With Guilty, Guilty Guilty in the Chauvin Trial, the World is Watching. Jack Talks to the BBC.

Read Jack’s interview on BBC. The jurying the Derek Chauvin murder trial came back on all three counts in a very short period of time. Based upon the speed of the court, it seemed clear that the jury didn’t struggle with the evidence, the videos, the statements or anything else. They came back with a guilty verdict on the 2nd Degree Unintentional Murder charge, the 3rd Degree Murder charge and the Manslaughter charge. He was taken into custody immediately pending sentencing.

Jack Rice sat down the the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to discuss the trial, the process and what comes next. Also, working and living in the Twin Cities, Jack talked about the impact of the act itself, the charges, the troubles that arose out of it all last summer and more.

This was a brutal environment to have a fair trial. With the Floyd payout, the Daunte Wright murder, politicians calling for people in the streets, this jury was certainly feeling the pressure and that’s a problem.

Jack Rice is the founder of Jack Rice Defense, A Minnesota based criminal defense firm. He is a former prosecutor, a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and a criminal defense attorney. If you or a loved one are facing serious criminal charges, contact Jack Rice Defense for a free consultation.

Read Jack’s Interview on BBC.


After Chauvin Conviction, what Comes Next before Sentencing?


As the World Watches the Chauvin Trial, Jack Rice Appears on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to Discuss the Latest